The Reconnection Alignement & Process TM à Mont-Saint-Aignan (76130)

The Quantum Reconnection
Axiatonal Activation and Alignement. Dr. Eric Pearl & J.J. Hurtack


Since 2021, I was given the necessary energetic downloads to do The Quantum  Reconnection distantly in two sessions separate by a day of rest.  

Receiving its Quantum Axiatonal Realignement is a wonderful process of vibrational elevation and acceleration of your life path, to improve your life in the material field, relationship process, personal and spiritual path.


Originally, the meridians of the body, sometimes called acupuncture meridians, were connected to the network of lines that surround the planet. The lines of this network were designed to extend and connect us to much larger grids that connects us to the entire universe. 


We lost the connection to this network over time. The Quantum Axiatonal Realignment Therapy involves "new" axiatonal lines that allow us to adjust to vibration levels and single frequencies, thus contributing to our evolution.

These lines are part of an ageless network of intelligence, an energy circulatory system of a parallel dimension that feeds the regenerative functions of the human body. It is integrated in the New Crystalline Grid Map and The New Earth. 

The Quantum Axiatonal  Realignement Therapy uses these new lines by activating them; It would thus allow an exchange of energy, light and information, the conversion of DNA strands and reintegration of "strings" (string theory. simultaneous or parallel planes of existence)

The Quantum Axiatonal Realignment Therapy is in fact received directly and distantly (since 2021with the energetic acceleration that has been occurring for me) in two / 3 days separated by one or two sunrises and sunsets. 

"The importance of Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection® becomes clear when one reads ‘THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE; THE KEYS OF ENOCH’.


It is a text of higher consciousness about 64 areas of science and explains how the human race is connected with a more advanced higher evolutionary structure of universal intelligence. This bestseller has been translated into several languages.


One can find more about this book on


This book was published 1977, by Dr.J. J. Hurtak, a Social Scientist and Futurist, 15 years before Dr Eric Pearl became able to access the frequencies of Reconnective Healing®. Relevant are chapters 314 and 317.


Here are some excerpts out of J. J. Hurtak’s book:


Chapter 314, page 486

59. “Through a projection of Light coming from the recorder cell (or Merkabah activity) selected individuals can be reconnected with the Adam Kadmon image through a resonance operating through hyperdimensional space.


60. And, at this time those individuals who have not had the divine image can be opened to receive the image of the Adam Kadmon.


61. Some individuals receive an additional high frequency resonance transmission operating in parallel phase with their normal resonance bonding. This additional high frequency resonance operates as a subcarrier (through these individual biotransducers) to modulate paranormal energies.


65: Moreover, as this high frequency resonance becomes aligned with the biotransducer system of the body the seven chakras can be completely transfigured into the divine image.”

Chapter 317, page 523,


  1. “There is at work within all biological systems a path of interchangeability to standardize unique vibratory levels. Our galactic body of creation controls the renewing functions through meridian axiatonal lines which are the equivalent of acupuncture lines that can connect with resonating star systems.


2. These axiatonal lines are not limited to a physical body or a biological creation, but are open ended and can connect the body vehicle with axiatonal lines that emanate from the various star populations and exist as chemical code mechanisms.


3. When Man can discover the connection between his life space and the axiatonal grids controlling the body through endless cell division, Man will have a new superscience known as medical astronomy.


17. Therefore acupuncture, as used during the last 12.000 years of evolutionary existence, was cut off from the “progressive” higher star programming channels when the root races revolted against the programming of the Father. This caused the twelve biophysical meridians to be truncated from direct connection with the Overself.


19. Until this time, the body has been left to work on molecular biological levels with only limited magnetic resonance patterns to continue the functions of the amino acids, the basic building blocks of life.


21.. In other words Man was cut of from the higher star points that are necessary to maintain a perfected form of the Adam Kadmon.


24. Man at this time, is being advanced to a new biological program,


25. This advancement requires his acupuncture lines be extended to axiatonal lines that will be connected directly with the Overself; for if Man is to go on into further soul progression he must connect his axiatonal lines to his Overself which is also making an ascension into the next quantum level of the Adam Kadmon, just as the Adam Kadmon body is making an ascension into a completely new program in our Son universe.


29. The axial lines are part of a fifth-dimensional circulatory system combining color and sounds, which are used to draw from the Overself body the basic energy used for the renewing functions of the human evolutionary body.


Adam Kadmon: Spiritual-physical creation on the planetary worlds, a being articulated from a divine radiation that was later nullified through the FALL, resulting in the loss of spiritual gifts.

Axiatonal lines: connect the human biological system with superior astrobiological analogs."

From the link below 


J.J. Hurtack
The Book of Enoch

"Our Galactic body of Creation controls it's renewing functions through meridian axiatonal lines which are the equivalent of acupuncture lines that connect with resonating star systems.
When Man can discover the connection between his life space and the axiatonal grids controlling the body through endless cell division, Man will have a new science known as medical astronomy.

The axial lines are part of a fifth-dimensional circulatory system combining color and sound, which are used to draw from the Overself body the basic energy used for the renewing functions of the human evolutionary body or DNA.

Hence, the axiatonal lines can be used for the complete regeneration of an organ when activated by the proper energies.

These grids are organized to exchange genetic information throughout the body through a network of messenger cells which are passed on to any part of the body. In other words, through axiatonal grids, there is provided the key framework that is necessary for the proper formation of a new limb, organ etc.

This grid network within the body is connected with the spinal column, which is the major antenna for the grounding of Light signals.

Just as the cell can be split, the whole spinal column network can be split by axiatonal lines into any number of parallel body networks because the spinal column couples all of the seven major fields of the body (the chakras) in relation to the primitive brain stem and cerebral cortex.

Axiatonal lines are vibratory lines which connect levels of human electrochemical activity with astrobiological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems.

These axiatonal lines connect the acupuncture mapping of the human biological system with superior astrological analogues.

Thérapie Quantique de Reconnection:: origines

La  Thérapie Quantique de Reconnection et les sessions de Synchronisation Axiatonale® sont issues des travaux sur l'Alignement Axiatonal (Axiatonal Alignment) de Janet Digiovanni vers la fin des années 70 et les lignes axiatonales décrites dans le livre de J.J. Hurtak "Le Livre de la Connaissance - Les Clés d'Enoch".

L'Alignement Axiatonal a été par la suite adapté par différentes personnes :

- Eric Pearl en 1993 qui l'a transmise en partie sous les noms de La Reconnexion et Reconnective Healing.

- aux alentours de 2000, Melissa Hocking Huges a développé le système Quantum BioEnergetics, avec l'Axial Initiation.

- en 2010 en Serbie et en Australie, Anya Petrovic maitre Reiki ex-collaboratrice d'Eric Pearl, a créé le processus Tesla Healing Metamorphosis, sur 3 niveaux, du rééquilibrage des différents corps et de l'évolution de l'âme.

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