Art thérapie / Art Therapy


It was back on February 2016, when I travelled to Houston TX. USA, to meet a bunch of LightWorkers from the healing board that I understood that I have artistic gifts deeply rooted in my soul.  

I was hosted by my dear friend Bill Houston in his beautiful house for 11 days, and he took care of me during all the time I was there.

It was also there that I met Laron G. Smith a friend from Facebook, currently living in New Zealand, as I was part of his group, Kristie Keller, Tammy Powel Kilgore, and some others. I also met a beautiful soul, MIRANDA, who passed away back on June 2020, unexpectedly and who is still in my heart. 

During that stay in Houston I have done Reconnection on 6 persons including Miranda and many healing sessions benevolently. 

I had a QHHT session (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) with Laron G. Smith and saw a life of mine as an artist living in an Island near Washington DC during the 30's. 

Two months later after that meeting and QHHT, I began drawing and it was all about  "Wave Trees". From simple trees with their energy signature in colors and intriguing lines, I evolved to connections with higher frequencies from other dimensions from where I was receiving intuitively so much information and energy during the time I was working on my drawings.

I used water pastel pencils and followed a subtle guidance that was coming through in waves of light and information. During the time I was drawing the information comes through progressively and I never know what I am drawing and the name of the artwork until I finished it. Then a channeled message came through to be released and which I always shared for free on my page at the link below


The Wave Trees led me to become conscious of something else that I realised on 2019, when I travelled again to the USA to visit a friend from my childhood in Orlando where I stayed for two weeks. During that travel I met Tracy Moore with whom I spent 4 days in Blue Springs State Park, in Orange City, located few miles from Orlando. In the campsite we had intense energy exchanges and I had a QHHT Session with her. During that QHHT, I was shown a life as a Light Soul, the mother of all light souls in an energetic planet made of Crystalline Light and from where I received The Crystalline Light of Grace back on July 2017. 

I was creating Light Souls in that dimension.  It is The Blue Six Pointed Star. For me it was New Atlantis. And I came to know that many months after this QHHT, as I had many time travels to that planet before my vacation in Orlando. I refer to these travels in my book "Traveling Parallel Worlds: The Hidden Reality Beyond the Physical Dimension".


My art is intuitive and psychic for most of it. My crystalline activations are kept for only those who want to indulge in becoming Activators like me. Since 2020, I have activated many people around the planet, and only one person became an activator or the first Crystalline Light Body I have received back on 2020. She lives in Florida and is also a Crystalline Light of Grace Practitioner. ( See the page "New Earth" on the menu)

Actually, in my Home Planet, only few souls would be able to become Activators and even Light Souls. This is because their energetic body isn't ready to receive Crystalline Frequencies of Light and Information. I saw some souls who came to my planet, crossing with me the blue channels (they were like a web over the planet), not able to handle the energy, and I was taking them back to their planets. This information has been given to me during a QHHT with Tracy Moore in Blue Springs State Park, FL. USA back on May 2019. 

I was  also said that I was a portal creator and gatekeeper. 

This is my Spiritual Process and it is artistic at a core level. The purpose behind my art is to bring down the energies of the New Earth from 5D to more. Many are from the 6D to 9D, because they relate to lands, beings and timelines that are not of our current reality. 


The Art that I draw holds an energy made of Light Codes and other quantum frequencies related to other dimensions. They will be felt in your hands and bodies when you tap into their energy. Everyone will feel it at its own level of connection to multidimensional realms.  


In this section of my site I will post my artworks progressively. 





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