Feedback de clients sur Henda Zaghouani, thérapiste multidimensionnelle

See The English Feedbacks Below This Page

Le miracle d'une dame qui était bloquée d'une double hernie discale, après un soin que j'ai dû lui donner à la piscine de Mont Saint Aignan, elle ne pouvait pas bouger, ses jambes. J'ai pu les débloquer au bout d'un moment, et à l'hôpital, le médecin radiologue lui annonce que sa double sciatique avait disparu comme par magie !!

Hier, 14 mars 2015, M.  Allouche J. souffre d'une double hernie discale, cloué au lit avec des douleurs atroces, voici ce qu'il m'a écrit après une session de soin à distance, il habite à Bizerte en Tunisie: "Au début j'ai senti que j'étais léger et qu'une force me soulevait du lit. Puis j'ai senti que quelque chose sortait de moi, j'étais un peu étonné puis je me suis concentré. Je sentais même une force qui balayait tout mon corps. 

Au prochain soin, je t'en dirai plus en témoignage de ce soin. Merci j'ai moins mal et me sens mieux".


Omar 2014 est venu pour un soin et il est revenu ensuite pour un autre, il me dit: " j'ai décidé de ne plus boire et de m'en sortir des cachets juste après votre premier soin. Quelque chose s'est déclenché en moi, dans ma vie, vous êtes toujours là et vous me réconfortez". Pendant le soin il sentait que mon cœur parcourait le sien ( ouverture du chakra du cœur), un bien-être infini, je me sentais calme, reposé, soulagé, décidé à vouloir guérir. Autour de ma tête une chaleur descend jusqu'aux tempes, au cœur et jusqu'à mon estomac (plexus solaire). Je m'endors et en me réveillant je me suis senti rechargé en énergie, ma douleur à l'omoplate gauche, dans tout le côté droit et dans mes mains a disparu, je ne pouvais pas ouvrir correctement mes mains, maintenant je peux" et il me montre cela avec beaucoup de bonheur. 


Lekbira Y.est venue aussi pour un soin le 1er janvier 2014 puis le 7 du même mois. Elle me dit "pendant le soin je sentais une grande détente progressive sur tout mon corps, de la chaleur et ça me reposait. Dans mon cœur, je sentais moins la crispation qui m'empêchait de respirer amplement. Après le soin, il y avait moins de gène respiratoire et elle s'est endormie pendant 20 minutes. Les soins ont duré 35 minutes à chaque fois. 

Elena est passée pour un soin et voilà ce qu'elle me dit: "j'ai déjà eu des soins énergétiques, mais celui-ci il est unique et l'on se sent complètement reposé comme parti ailleurs. Je suis ressourcée, chargée d'amour". Merci Elena pour ce témoignage. 


Nadia Z, en pleine chimiothérapie pour un cancer du col de l'utérus l'année dernière (2014), nous avons programmé un soin tous les dimanches pendant toute la période où elle faisait sa chimio, elle me dit au tout premier soin: "J'ai senti comme si des choses sortaient de mon corps et que j'étais de plus en plus légère, j'étais partie ailleurs, mes douleurs se sont estompée, puis une vague légère d'air frais s'étendait sur tout mon corps et je me sentais bien. Les autres séances étaient reposantes et très rafraichissantes, je me sens de plus en plus légère, comme si le mal se dégageait de mon corps, de moi, de mon être. je suis soulagée et je suis sereine, je sais que la guérison est là". Nadia n'a plus de cancer, elle a fini ses 6 séances de chimio et l'accompagnement que je lui ai proposé a été très efficace aux niveaux de son bien-être physique et spirituel. Elle n'a plus peur et est plus sûre d'elle. Elle est guérie. 


Catherine CHest venue pour un soin, il y a plus d'un an déjà, elle avait un problème à sa cheville. Elle avait fait une chute il y a plusieurs années quand elle était enceinte et sa cheville ne s'est jamais rétablie, elle était enflée et bleue. Après une session de soin de 45 minutes environ, elle s'est réveillée, parce qu'elle s'est endormie, elle me dit: " Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi reposée de ma vie depuis bien longtemps. Merci. Elle s'est assise sur le canapé et elle pleurait. En se levant plus tard, elle marchait normalement, sa cheville s'est désenflée et le bleu de toutes ces années avait presque disparu. Quelques temps plus tard, je l'ai revue par hasard et elle m'avoua avec beaucoup d'émotion: "en sortant de chez vous, j'avais envie d'aller prier. cela faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas éprouvé un tel besoin." Aujourd'hui, l'ayant eue au téléphone après un an et demi presque, elle me dit " je n'ai plus rien à ma cheville !!! Vous avez une main de fée !". Merci Madame Charcot pour ce feed back et la reconnaissance de ce que vous avez reçu de l'Univers.

Claire, en salle de gym avait sa cheville enflée et douloureuse ainsi que tout son pied. Les médecins lui ont dit que c'était une sorte de fracture mais pas tout à fait. Tous les médicaments qu'elle avait et a toujours pris pour cela ne l'ont jamais soulagée. Je la prends à l'écart en salle de gym et je lui fais un soin local juste au niveau de la cheville et de sa jambe.  c'était miraculeux : sa cheville s'est désenflée d'un coup et les douleurs avaient disparues. Plus tard dans la nuit, cela s'est déclenché et elle a eu mal, mais au fil des jours, sa cheville s'est améliorée ainsi que la circulation. Elle a repris le sport et va mieux. 


Saloua A. m'a demandé un soin. Je suis passée chez elle et elle me montre sa cheville enflée, bleue et qu'elle ne pouvait pas bouger en plus des douleurs qui n'ont jamais cessé depuis cinq ans lorsqu'elle a fait une chute chez elle dans l'escalier. La fracture ne s'est jamais complètement résorbée et les médecins lui ont conseillé de se faire opérer. après le soin qui a eu lieu sur la terrasse de sa grande maison en bord de mer, elle se met debout et marche normalement sa cheville n'était plus douloureuse. Quelques jour plus tard elle m'a encore demandé un soin et depuis elle se porte bien jusqu'à aujourd'hui. ces deux soins datent de septembre 2014.

English feedbacks

Bill (William) Houstoun

The woodlands Houstoun Texas USA

Feedback on Reconnection and Healing Sessions performed by Henda Zaghouani, February 7-15, 2016

7-feb-2016 - 1st Reconnection Session

In advance of the the Reconnection session Henda had done three distant healing sessions on me in December and January to begin the process of activating the various points in my body

The 1st Reconnection session started with me on the table, relaxed and eyes closed. Early impressions were tingling around my temples and warmth spreading across the top of my head. I also experienced a gentle breeze blowing lightly down the center of my forehead and over my nose. As the session progressed I felt tingling in my feet and calves of my legs. Also a cool gentle breeze blowing up from my feet to my knees. The most notable experience during the first session was the feeling of three fingers being lightly pressed onto the right side of my chest mid-way on my rib cage. This was very distinct and went on for 3 - 4 minutes during which I could feel energy flowing into me there. Afterwards I learned that Henda had not ever touched me but the feeling to me was unmistakeable.

9-Feb-2016 - 2nd Reconnection Session

The 2nd session was unforgettable. It was a profound experience for me. During most of the session I felt gentle movements of energy but nothing too remarkable. However that changed, dramatically, at the end. Very near the end it felt like hands were on both sides of my head pushing the skin gently down towards the table. This had the effect of somewhat stretching the openings around my eyes. And then it really began. Thousands and thousands of white-gold stars started streaming into my closed eyes, faster and faster. It was like they were being crushed into my eyes. As this ramped up my eyes started flicking back and forth behind my eyelids and this increased to an uncontrollable speed. There was no pain in any of this, just awe. This went on for a minute of so and Henda gently touched my arm and said we were finished. But I wasn’t finished! The instreaming of white-gold stars continued for another minute or so. It is the most profound experience I have ever had. I was Reconnected to Source.

11-Feb-2016 - 1st Reconnective Healing Session post Reconnection

This was a wonderful relaxing session. The most notable experience was a clear sense of a finger touching my left forearm just on the spot where I had had a skin cancer that had been frozen to remove it a few months ago. That was the second time that spot had been frozen as the first time a few years ago wasn’t fully effective in getting rid of the cancer. I believe the RH session dug further in and got rid of the root issue. Afterwards Henda confirmed she had not touched me at all although too me the sense of a finger being there was very distinct.

15-Feb-2016 - 2nd Reconnective Healing session post Reconnection

This was another amazing experience. Again a general flow of warm energy across my body starting at the top of my head. The remarkable part of this session was a “light” version of the instreaming of white-gold stars as I experienced during my 2nd Reconnection session. In this case it was gentler and shorter. Few er stars but again the rapid eye movements behind my closed eyes. I was very refreshed and energized after this session.


This was another amazing experience. Again a general flow of warm energy across my body starting at the top of my head. The remarkable part of this session was a “light” version of the instreaming of white-gold stars as I experienced during my 2nd Reconnection session. In this case it was gentler and shorter. Few er stars but again the rapid eye movements behind my closed eyes. I was very refreshed and energized after this session.

The Feed Back by Tammy Powel Kilgore
From Pontiac Illinois United States

She received her Reconnection on 2/13/2016 and 2/15/2016

There are two sessions involved in the reconnection process. I will be honest, I was confused at first and thought maybe it was more like reiki healing.
The first session felt a lot like reiki. Very relaxing and I felt refreshed following the experience. But Interestingly enough, while Kristy was getting her first session, LaronBill, and I were talking and getting to know each other. I noticed as each person was talking there auras were lighting up---AND in color!!

I have seen auras before.

Usually I see the white/yellow glow. Occasionally I would see colors randomly. But in say 4 years maybe just a handful
Of times.

Here I was seeing two people back to back and I was seeing the colors change on Bill as he spoke.

If Bill and Laron are comfortable with me sharing their colors I will. But I would ask permission first.

Then the next day I saw Hendas auras in color as she was speaking during our meeting.
It was very very cool!!!
Soooo the second reconnection session, I have been hesitant to tell the world, bc my experience was extraordinarily profound.
And definitely unique. From my understanding what occurred with me, is not your every day norm, so I don't want to set the bar for the same experience to occur with everyone.

It also left me speechless.

Soooo much happened--I feel like I could write a book. I'll try to summarize.


I believe I had a full on kundalini awakening process happen. On this thread it is difficult to share, because so much happened. And I wasn't very familiar with this.
I'm not even sure I even believed in such a thing.
But let me tell you it was like a freight train exploded at my root chakra and worked its way up. After it would push its way up I went limp for lack of better words. Fully out of my body. All I could see were these most glorious lights at my crown that was just beautiful. This repeated about 3 times. I can fully tell you, I did not want to come back into my body. In fact when the session was over i could hardly get my tongue to work. I felt almost drunk for about 15 minutes as I I integrated my soul back with my body.

If Henda would not have stopped I believe it would have continued on.

Profound does not even explain it. I'm not sure I have words.

Other than this whole kundalini thing---yep--it is REAL!!!!!


Kristy Keller about her Reconnection In The Woodlands Houston Texas on friday 13/ sunday 15 February 2016

I understood How Nice To take time for these two sessions
Felt guided and Love around


Ok so here goes what happened during my first session with Henda...

I remember feeling a lot of pressure on my head, like something was trying to bust out. At first I saw three to four small circles of purple on top of an indigo color. Eventually the circles came together to form one mass of purple. Every time she came near my crown I saw the purple and it got brighter each time.


I also saw a lot of white and golden colors and colors that I can't remember because they kept going in to one another.

Then there was a lot of twitching/muscle spasms on my part. Like I was being activated.

And right before the session was over I had an out of body experience... I was still laying on the massage table but off to the side and it was slowly spinning in a circle.

After the first session I noticed my vision changed and when I looked at people it was almost like an animation (hard to explain) and it is still like that.


Now the second session was super intense. She worked on me for 55 minutes.

Again I saw purple but this time there was tons more white and bright light.

My body uncontrollably twitched like crazy and I had the super intense pressure again like something about to explode out of my head.

After a while I had a vision... I've also got visions but it was random that I had this one as I was being reconnected but had a vision of a massive earthquake that is coming. I saw the land separating and dirt falling into water.


Then Henda was at my head again and OMGGGGGGG the only way I can think to describe was that I was being electrocuted, but not in a bad way. My body was jolting and twitching like crazy and my head was wobbling. I couldn't control it. Then my arms were lifting from the energy. I swear I was floating over the table.


Right after that happened I saw a single bright star shining. Then there were many stars and I was in space. But the coolest part was after the stars a vortex appeared. I was in a tunnel of sorts that was spinning around me as I was moving forward. At the end of the tunnel was a bright golden-white light and surrounding the end of the vortex looking down were shadows of people/ a welcoming party idk.

Oh and my ears have been a constant buzz.



Jon's K. Testimony on his Reconnection 2/13/2016 -2/16/2016
Houston TX USA

Henda - Reconnection Experience

During both sessions, Henda placed me at ease and I was in a state of comfort. My mind drifted to places swirling with purple colors. During the second session, the swirls evolved into calming purple waves resonant of the tides rolling onto shore. By the end of the session I had a vision of a bright light in the form of a circle or intense orb. The light was encircled by a brighter ring of sparkles. Upon completion of the session, we discussed the imagery I just described. Henda proceeded to show me how to practice feeling the energy between my hands. It was a very serene yet energizing experience.

Terri Freeman Carr from Pennsylvania, USA , Distance reconnective Healing, June 5, 2016

"I had a session with Henda yesterday morning too! I have never had a healing session like this before and didn't know what to expect. It felt like a light sparkly blanket was on me. I felt different parts of my body where i had previous broken bones energetically clearing. I feel light and amazing now! Thank you Henda!"

RH Session on June 25, 2016

At first my mind was busy and I had a hard time slowing it down, I was finally able to relax and get into the flow of the energy.

This time I felt energy start at my head and move downwards. The main colors I saw were mainly a strange color purple and a greenish color swirling together. There were others but these stood out to me. At one point I felt such joy and then another time I felt like I was gliding ( I loved that). Here are a couple other things I experienced. I saw a black and white picture of a small boy off to the right of my vision, I'd say about 3 years old. Then at some point I heard "Queen". And then get this, another moment I saw the face of a dark large dragon! I wasn't scared but his face was very close to mine as he looked at me with one eye, his energy was powerful. I chuckled at that one thinking, what??? So, whats been on my mind lately is past lives, and am wondering if any ofthese have anything to do with that interest?? I guess I'm wondering, along with my angels you saw were there any dragons? HA! I will keep you posted on any new developments from the session.

Feed back of the 3rd RH Session, July 23, 2016



I just wanted to email regarding yesterdays healing session and the past couple weeks with me.After the session I had somewhat of a headache - woozey feeling and felt the same way with walking.I am thinking that I wasn't completely grounded back into my skin and I slowly adjusted. Very tired lastnight as I was adjusting to the adjustments! What I am realizing is, right now, I don't see who is working with me like Metatron, I only feel their energy signature. Maybe I am not ready too as I did see visions of the dragon, black and white boy and the eagle.When my Mother comes through (she is deceased) I can tell where she is in the room energetically and I do not hear her speak to me but have a knowing of what she is saying. Same with Jesus and Metatron.I have had two encounters with Jesus over the past three weeks. I was thanking him during one of my walksand he came to me. He told me that there would be healing between my twin and myself and the other timeI believe he told me he would assist in my healing as well as learning to heal others. I never saw him buthis energy signature is unmistakable.For me, Metatron's signature was, yes, square and focusing on my heart (Smile). His energy was powerfuljust like the dragon but cleaner? and more focused.This morning as I was having my coffee out back and somewhat meditating I called In Metatron and Jesusto thank them. My eyes were shut and I felt both come into my back yard. I also heard a flock of birds fly insquawking like they wanted to see what was going on ! It was funny. I could feel Metatron working on me again and I was grateful.I am not off to run errands!Love and Light back to you Henda........... XXOOO

Karen Clover Pennsylvania, USA, Distance Reconnective Healing Session on June 6th, 2016

A big thank you to Henda Zaghouani for the amazing healing session this morning! I feel amazing!!!

The Testimonial of Amy Couture (Kansas City, Missouri )on the Facebook Group page, about the first RH session she had with me and a session of Akashic Reading with Anne Francis from Canada

Dear Transients,

I have recently worked with two beautiful healers on our site, Anne Francis and Henda Zaghouani, and wanted to share how incredible these experiences were. Anne gave me an Akashic reading and also did a guided healing meditation, and her intuitive skills are just amazing. I asked her all kinds of questions, ranging from relationships to career and even body stuff, and each one she answered so intuitively spot-on, and I felt 'tuned in' while she talked to me and could feel that she was connected to a higher field and that they were right for me and absolutely what I needed to hear. She is witty too and made me laugh a lot, and also gave me a range of practical, mystical, and wise advice and insight, which has changed the way I approach key issues in my life right now.

I then received a Reconnective Healing with Henda Zaghouani, and it was just the most beautiful experience. We agreed on a time when I would lay down, and right away I could feel her beautiful healing energy. And then, after about 20 minutes, I fell asleep. I say this because I never, ever fall asleep during the daytime. But the healing was so powerful that I just drifted away, and then woke up maybe 20 minutes later feeling just so peaceful and shifted, definitely more connected to the universal field around me. I could feel the energies with me for several days, and since then this session has created so many changes within me, including a stronger core sense of self. Henda had told me that my third chakra had been dormant and received much healing, and I definitely feel this since then.

I know there are many healers on this beautiful site, but these have been my experiences, and I wanted to share them with you all. I can run Reiki on myself, but as someone had told me, we all channel energy differently, and so in addition to working on ourselves, working with different healers to whom we are drawn, lifts us in different beautiful ways.

Session 2 (3 weeks Later)

Thank you Henda, that is so beautiful! I really wish that this part of me could be aware of an experience like that! Does it mean that another part of me was with you? I felt very intense energy, which started with tones in my right ear. Then as I lay there, I could feel energy everywhere in my body, and it was so strong that I felt that it would be hard to get up and walk, even if I wanted to. Then I could feel pressure in my stomach area (maybe 3rd chakra work?) and then heart. It felt very beautiful and also important.

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