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Traveling Parallel Worlds: The Hidden Reality Beyond the Physical Dimension, January 2022, In a Kindle and Paperback Versions 

Travelling Parallel Worlds: The Hidden Reality Beyond the Physical Dimension

"The way you see your own reality is closely related to your personal way to see the universe, and the reality you are living in. The way you are guided in the process of discovering your soul essence. It is very important to understand that your beliefs are keys to free yourself from some limitations you have grown in you from within your physical reality. Once you free yourself from those that have been stuck in your memory, from your social and religious backgrounds, you become able to free your astral body. It happens for real as you take the good decisions to just let yourself fly without any preconceived ideas about how your body is, how you are, or how things work in the physical plane." Chapter 1

In this book You will have access to realms that the author has been visiting during years of astral projections. They hold keys to understanding the true nature of reality and how the human consciousness can expand using the simple tool of allowing the soul to lead the way into a deep healing process. They also hold information about realities and worlds that Henda Zaghouani have been travelling to in consciousness, meeting beings from higher dimensions and receiving their teachings and wisdom.

In fact, astral travelling, just like any other spiritual, holistic healing modality, is a long process to discover what is hidden behind the physical reality we are living in, and beyond to access the human full potentials of being multidimensional. Having access to parallel worlds whether they are past lives, worlds that are revealed to us by the Source of All That Is during astral travelling, help us understand who we are and what we came here to do. And remember that You are led by your soul essence and your group of spiritual guides and teachers during the process. The whole process is like a puzzle that is taking shape to uncover the deepest secrets of the soul."

Here is the link to the new kindle edition



For Your Protection

Preface …………………………………………….7


Chapter 1: A Prelude to an Expanding Consciousness: Traveling Worlds of Energy………………………………………………………………….19

Chapter 2: Visiting Higher Vibrational Realms…………………………33

Chapter 3: Out-of-Body Explorations and the Spiritual Path…………51

Chapter 4: The New Humans and New Earth: A Training Class with Lemurian Beings…………………………………………………………66

Chapter 5: Jenny, An Encounter of the Fifth Kind…………………….75

Chapter 6: The Fantastic Botanical Worlds…………………………….84

Chapter 7:Hanging in Parallel Worlds………………………………….94

Chapter 8: Visiting Extraterrestrial Cities: Lyra, Orion, Planet Mars, New Atlantis…………………………………………………………………. 102

Chapter 9: Another Journey in the Spirit World and Other Parallel Realms: Visions and Prophecies………………………………………..130

Chapter 10: Meeting Extraterrestrial Beings:More Encounters of The Fifth Kind………………………………………………………………152

Chapter 11: New Lemuria: Meeting the Land and the beings………..174

Chapter 12: How to Produce an Astral Travel?……………………… 186



About the Author………………………………………………………..202

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