This process is meant to create Light Souls by activating the crystalline light body in the human vessel. It is up to anyone to understand that our human vessel is meant to evolve t...
This process is meant to create Light Souls by activating the crystalline light body in the human vessel. It is up to anyone to understand that our human vessel is meant to evolve t...
Activate your Soul !
The atlantean Sacred Codes of the Light Activation is the first energy that came in me, and the first level or energy information to the new Pleiadian Crystalline Light Body Activation for the New Earth. Both are equivalent and if you have received one of them first the second will enhance your spiritual connection to The Pleiades and New Atlantis.
I have been working on it from August 28, 2021, to December 7, 2021. It came from New Atlantis as well as the Pleiadian Crystalline Activation. It is made at its essence and core by Light Codes from New Atlantis, that have been given to me from astral travels and energetic downloads in the form of Light and Information. A knowledge is stored within this activation that would help those who want to enhance their connection to Atlantis and bring in the energetics of the New Land that the Atlanteans traveled to after the fall of the old city. What I have been said is that they travelled through portals and gates that they only know from the old city and its different colonies.
The information is coded in the form of light made of a knowledge that is given back to those who want to work with this energy as Light Souls, to channel them and help the current human evolutionary process on Gaia. The knowledge that you receive from the beings of the Activation is related to your personal soul growth and human DNA codes. It is meant to show up in your body and soul, to also show you the path that you need to follow for your own spiritual healing. It is not a tool, it is not a technique but an energy that is made of Crystalline Light codes connected to the Universal Crystalline Grid. It is intelligent and know you more that you would think. It can be done and received distantly and in person.
Introduction : The Origins and Process of the Activation
This new activation has been given to me as a gift from my Spiritual Guide for the New Earth, as I am a natural channel of the coming LightCodes that are part of the current human awakening.It is part of the personal energy work that I do everyday day connecting to Gaia. This is not an easy work as it is asking me to rest so much and to allow those light codes to adjust with the physical dimension, including my own physical body.
They are sent from higher dimensions, mostly from the Angelic Realms and the Spiritual World where the Crystalline Grid (made in a huge sphere) resides. I have been receiving the energy from February 2023, to April 29, 2023, in 7 Layers. The Crystalline Light Body Activation is necessary to receive the energies of The Quantum Spheres of Creation.
What Are They ?
They are crystalline spheres in divine frequencies of Light and Information, and hold key codes in the form of colors, lines, lay lines, acupuncture points of the human body, and other sacred geometrical shapes, all aligning in each layer to create in the human being, the new template of The Quantum Crystalline LightBody that reconnects to the Spheres of Creation from which each soul came to life. So even if a soul has typical star seeds belongings, it originally came from those spheres which are 13, all present in the first Layer I have been given the opportunity to bring down on this physical reality in the form of Psychic Sacred Geometrical Art.
In each layer there is a bunch of new LightCodes presented in multiple colors that I am always guided to mix in a subtle way through inner guidance, multiple shapes, lines and points of the body that are activated. There are added LightCodes in the form of a sacred star language coming from the spheres themselves, and each being who is in the layer holds the complete energy that is in each layer, to be transferred in the human body. The activation provides huge template upgrades with different overlays and pure source light activations of higher programming that occurs at both the soul and the body.
Where Do They Come From ? How Do they Come In?
As I said, it is coming from The Crystalline Grid / or Sphere which resides in the higher realms of Source (The angelic realm, the spiritual realm, the monad)
The downloads are sent in the form of klicks in the right ear on a daily basis even during my sleep time. I can hear them in many klicks that come in a kind of a rythme of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 klicks each time. It also comes in frequencies that I feel in the right hand periodically when there is a more important upload that is sent in my energy field. It has no typical temperature, but is felt as a strong energy the right hand and the left hand, each time one hand is activated at a time, not both. Sometimes I was up with a swollen hand (right or left), felt like a pain at first but then the energy as it continues to flow in my whole body, the integration and upgrade are done and the feeling of being out of time gives me the need to connect to the Earth (the forest, my homeland, the sea, and walks in nature) where I activate the energy.
What Is The Purpose of the Spheres
It is given to us to work as channels of the New earth LightCodes that are frequently sent in us to help us upgrade ourselves and step into higher realities and consciousness. Your body will be very busy after the activation as it will need some rest, you will need to honor this process so that it can help you achieve a clearing massive timeline and old distorted realities of unconsciousness, contracts/agreements and activating new ones of higher consciousness, which is a powerful process energetically.
You become a Crystalline Light Being at a core level. Each center of your energy body receives these new LightCodes and becomes Crystalline too. This will create a clearing process in you that you will feel individually and then globally each time you come to connect with others and with nature.
The energy that you receive will be naturally flowing from you to the Earth Star and connecting you with many planets and star systems.
You can work with this energy to heal yourself while in nature or in your home. It will open doors in your life and guide you to the way you need to be to help as a LighSoul.
How many Layers ?
7 layers holding different names and powerful LightCodes
Each one is related to a being who comes from the Spheres to transmit in your body, soul template the necessary tools and energies to be part of this human upgrade.
©2023 Henda Zaghouani PhD. - Thérapie Alternative Holistique
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